Ladies and gentlemen! We’re delighted to announce that Critical Mass, in association with Journeyman Pictures, is now available to stream and download through the following channels:
Youtube rentals:
Vimeo VOD:
Journeyman VOD:
Downloads/direct sales: […]
I’m sitting at a bar in Vancouver’s international airport waiting for the call to board my plane back to the UK. I’ve just spent three and a half weeks in LA and Vancouver, showing Critical Mass at the Newport Beach Film Festival (where, in case you missed the massive laurel we immediately stuck on our […]
During my first week at the Mill Valley Film Festival, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Danielle Venton for KRCB. We sat on a bench at the main junction in the centre of town and chatted for half an hour about the film, population and environmental issues. Danielle was smart, funny, well-prepared and […]
What moviemaker’s blog would be complete without at least one post reading a meaning no-one else sees into some movie?
Just in case you missed the block capital letters in the title of this post, I am about to share my interpretation of the environmental meta-narrative in Rian Johnson’s new film, Looper, and that will […]
We have special previews of Critical Mass coming up this month. There will be Q&A sessions with me after all three screenings.
West Coast:
October 13, 1:30pm @ Sequoia 1, 25 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley, CA
October 14, 5:45pm @ 142 Throckmorton Theatre, Mill Valley, CA
Tickets available here.
East Coast:
October 20, 6:15pm […]
Andrew ‘Wilf’ Wilford
Yesterday, we began our 45 day Indiegogo campaign to raise at least $30,000 with which to clear the archive rights for footage we use in the film. We are so far up to $485 in contributions and this is only the first 24 hours.
$250 of that was […]
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Critical Mass is a finished film, fully formed and ready to meet the world.
We have just launched an Indiegogo campaign in order to raise the money we need to clear archive rights so that we can distribute the film. We’ve got great perks available, including posters, DVDs […]
I’ve been asked to join a debate on the role of consumerism in the London riots on BBC Sunday Morning Live on BBC One, Sunday August 14th at 10am. Feel free to tune in. If my face doesn’t look too off-putting via webcam, I’ll try to get a clip for the site somehow.
I just got back from the Cannes Film Festival, where I had the chance to schmooze my socks off with the rest of the film industry’s hopefuls and helpfuls. I was out there making contacts with sales agents, distributors, exhibitors, film festivals and other sundry personnel. Making an indie movie requires a lot of personal […]
I’ve had an article about the challenges of transition published by Transition Voice. Feel free to have a read.
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