Dear Brothers and Sisters,
What makes this movement so special and, from my perspective, so poignant, is that there are no enemies here.
Some of you will have been beaten or arrested by the police. Non-protesters may have had personal property damaged during the course of these events. The police may have had abuse or […]
On Wednesday September 21st 2011, The Irish Examiner ran an editorial by Steven King (not the horror author) on the world reaching 7 billion people. All personal politics aside, the main problem with the article was that it was in many places a direct copy of a speech delivered by Brendan O’Neill, the […]
I’ve been asked to join a debate on the role of consumerism in the London riots on BBC Sunday Morning Live on BBC One, Sunday August 14th at 10am. Feel free to tune in. If my face doesn’t look too off-putting via webcam, I’ll try to get a clip for the site somehow.
So it has come to this. Outside, sirens doppler back and forth every few minutes. My street is one of the quiet ones. The looting is restricted to areas with high street brands.
The irony here is so thick it could cure anaemia. London is overrun by looters, smashing in windows, tearing open shutters […]
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